Friday, June 5, 2009


How are you doing? Just letting you guys (you know, me, myself & I) know I haven't fell off the Earth yet.

Has your life ever felt like blah? Mine is feeling that way right now. Every time I try to go outside it rains. Pisses me off. So I think I'll stop trying to get some fresh air.

I've decided to finally make Black Bean burgers. I bought the beans like a month ago. How pathetic am I? But today, I have cooked the beans, so there is no turning back now. I hope they are good.

Oh, I'm stuck on Twilight now. I got it bad, like Usher. I can't wait till November! I even downloaded the soundtrack and love that too. I think it's just the boredom. I'm convinced it's the boredom. But just don't take my Edward & Bella away.


  1. I have been feeling blah lately too. I need to start working out again and get in a better mood asap.

    It is really wearing on DH.

    Not too much longer and your hubs will be home right?! wooot!

    Oh... and I definitely need to get the New Moon book. I read the first and saw the movie and I lovvvved it!

  2. Yep...feeling a little blah lately too...the rain definitely doesn't help any!!!
