Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I've been really slackin on the bloggin thing lately. We are approaching the end of deployment and I'm a hair away from losing my effin mind. Still battling the creamer issue. Apparently the fridge locks do not hold up to Brianna's mastermind.

In other news, today I went out to check the mail and lo & behold guess what I seen sitting in my front yard? Well I should say front grass because I don't really have a yard. Anyway...wait for it..


As in, a snake had shed his skin on my grass? Oh my god. There are two things on Earth that terrify me and that is FIRE and SNAKES. Eww eww eww. Why did it have to be MY GRASS???

I need a vacation.

1 comment:

  1. If it makes you feel any better I had to dispose of a dead squirrel last weekend...in our backyard...can you say ewwwwwwwwww???
